The next question then was what to serve all these people. My first bright idea was to get some type of fish. I absolutely love fish, but I’ve never trusted the cafeteria seafood. And since it’s rarely served anyway, I thought it would be a welcome surprise for my friends. But I had to be realistic, nine servings of fresh fish on a college budget was not going to happen. Plan B was some kind of meat, as I will pretty much eat anything if it was alive once. I’m quite the carnivore. But I had never bought meat before, and I didn’t really know how. The thought of going into a grocery store and trying to buy meat terrified me. What if the butcher asked me a question I couldn’t answer? What if they didn’t have what I wanted, and I’d need to make a new decision on the spot? What if I somehow said the name of the meat wrong and the butcher judged me? So, due to my fear of talking to people, I opted to make pasta.
The plan was to make noodles with Alfredo sauce with a side of broccoli. The Alfredo sauce seemed easy enough to make, melt a stick of butter and mix in two cups of milk, then add an egg yolk and pour the mixture onto boiled noodles. Sprinkle some Parmesan cheese in at the end and some sliced tomatoes and I’d have my main course. I’d planned on steaming the broccoli and finally show the cafeteria that it was possible to make vegetables that weren’t soggy.
I do not know why I thought I had any authority in teaching anyone any lessons in preparing food. I do not cook. Ever. I once tried to heat up soup for myself and burned it. Last year I called my roommate so she could walk me through how to make popcorn because I was scared I’d mess it up. And yet here I was, about to attempt making a “perfect meal.”
While the butter melted in my smaller pan I flipped my computer open to the Youtube video titled, “How To Make Alfredo Sauce.” Being sure not to let the butter burn, just as it told me, I paced around the kitchen, nervous about the time, knowing my friends are all busy with intense science classes. I dreaded the idea of serving my meal late and wasting any of their time. I wanted to get back to cutting the broccoli, but didn’t want to take my eye off the butter even for a second. I also realized I would need another pan to steam the broccoli in, which I didn’t have. Nor, I realized, a cover for it. Not wanting to deal with that problem because I saw no obvious solution, I ignored it and continued to focus on my butter.
When it was entirely melted I excitedly poured the milk in and waited to see my anticipated sauce become reality. But something wasn’t right. The two weren’t mixing. The warm butter was hardening in the cold milk, congealing into disgusting lumps that resembled the texture of caviar. I didn’t know what to do. This didn’t look anything like the smooth, elegant looking sauce in the video playing behind me. Why was this happening? With ten minutes to go before my meal was supposed to be served I took out my cell phone and prepared to send all my friends a message saying dinner was cancelled.
I stopped myself, did a quick pep talk, and then put the mess back on the burner. As the milk heated, the butter began to soften and turn back to liquid. My relief was short lived. The water in the big pot was boiling and it was time to add the pasta, which, of course, did not all fit into the pot. I stirred it as best I could, but noodles were falling onto the stovetop left and right. I still couldn’t deal with the broccoli because I was constantly stirring my sauce, terrified something else might happen to it if I left it alone for even a second. I decided not to add the egg, not wanting to do anything else that might mess it up.
And then people began showing up. First Julia came down and took many pictures of me hunched over my pots and the many noodle casualties splattered around me. I described to Conrad and Dan the harrowing tale of my sauce, who politely laughed and then told me dinner was looking great, and the delay was no problem. I called my mother and received a quick tutorial on how to make broccoli in the microwave.
Already behind schedule, I was shaking and sweating and my voice was about three octaves higher than it normally is when it was finally time to pour the slightly undercooked noodles into the colander. With both arms I tried to move the pot full of boiling water six inches over to the sink. After two failed attempts Nick came by and lifted it with one hand. He kindly smiled at me while I spooned the remaining noodles into the colander, which proceeded to tip over and spill into the sink.
Once the noodles were back in the pot I added the cheese and called to everyone that dinner was ready. My friends entered the small kitchen and took their helpings while I cut up the last of the broccoli. I was sad to see that Alaina had not returned from her weekend home yet, and Dan told me that Ricky was feeling too sick to come, but I still had six guests and most of a dinner. While we ate around a table in the lounge of our dorm under a florescent light I put the broccoli in the microwave. By the time it was done everyone had finished their pasta. I scarfed it down without really noticing the taste. I was physically exhausted and emotionally drained and was just happy the thing was edible. Once the broccoli was done I went back into the kitchen and sliced up the tomatoes that were supposed to have been chopped and sprinkled on the pasta. Lacking a plate, I tore some paper towels from the wall dispenser and plopped them down in the center of the table.
After everyone had cleared their plates Nick, Dan, and Aaron took off. I had served my meal half an hour late and I knew they all had homework they needed to get back to. I thanked them for coming and began mentally preparing myself for the mountain of dishes I had to do. And then Ian, wonderful individual that he is, said the kindest words of the night.
“Is there anymore?” He wanted more. Then Julia and Conrad got up and got seconds too. I hadn't even noticed that Julia had brought her pepper and fancy sea salt to the table (much nicer than the salt shaker I “borrowed” from the cafeteria). I waited for my friends to serve themselves and then took the last of the pasta, or at least whatever wasn’t completely stuck to the bottom of the pot or flung onto the counter top.
I paid much more attention to the flavor this time. It needed more cheese and it definitely needed salt, but once they were added it really wasn’t so bad. The microwave steamed broccoli was finished off, the pasta was gone, and I got to eat the last slice of fresh tomato. No left over’s.
Once they were done, Conrad and Ian left. Julia stayed behind to help with the dishes. She ended up doing most of them while I hacked at the noodles stuck to the bottom of the big pot. Later that night, the two of us took advantage of the kindness of one of our friends and sent him out, alone, into the cold night to fetch us ice cream. A pint of Ben and Jerry’s Pish Food eaten straight from the container was a welcome treat after my exhausting night.
Once they were done, Conrad and Ian left. Julia stayed behind to help with the dishes. She ended up doing most of them while I hacked at the noodles stuck to the bottom of the big pot. Later that night, the two of us took advantage of the kindness of one of our friends and sent him out, alone, into the cold night to fetch us ice cream. A pint of Ben and Jerry’s Pish Food eaten straight from the container was a welcome treat after my exhausting night.
Looking back at the meal, I wouldn’t say it was “perfect,” but I didn’t hate it necessarily. It was an interesting experience. I’d like to say I learned something from it. My friends proved to be reliable and accepting and their kindness got me through the process. At least the company was perfect.
(Hey guys- So I'm really not a fan of the ending. I kind of ran out of steam, so suggestions on how to improve that would be appreciated. Also, sorry about the length. The story is basically in two parts. Part One is me figuring out what to make and buying supplies. Part Two is the actual making and eating of the meal. I like both parts and I think they flow well together, but it makes it pretty long. What do you guys think?
Also, I wanted this to be a funny piece, but I'm worried I came off more whiney than humorous. Your thoughts?)
Also, I wanted this to be a funny piece, but I'm worried I came off more whiney than humorous. Your thoughts?)
I absolutely loved reading this Katie. I was smiling and giggling the whole time! You have an extremely humorous logic that I can definitely relate to! Your voice was extremely present and delightful to read because of the shear honesty. I actually like how it ends because it was the company that counted. This piece is soooo college, and learning from your experience instead of necessarily enjoying it is a great tie in to that thread of the theme.You used youtube and went to the sketchy muchie mart and the state of your appliances truly makes the perfect meal a difficult one to make. I was really curious about this mysterious friend at the end who goes out into the cold night for you...this might need more explanation to stay in the narrative. Also jokingly said that you felt "terribly liberal" it might be interesting to explain this a little more--what does it mean? You could also mention at the beginning, which I loved, how much these specific guests can eat...I mean Ian alone can do a lot of damage to a meal, I love his little dialogue by the way! Great start!
ReplyDeleteI'm SO sorry I missed your dinner!! I wish I could have been there to enjoy it with you guys. But anyway, it sounds great! It's a known fact that we are our own worst critics, so even though you may have thought your meal we mediocre, I'm sure it was a lot better than you thought. As for your writing, I think you did a great job showing us all of your little mishaps. I found myself laughing out loud at the thought of you being terrified to talk to the butcher, you not being able to lift that pan with two hands, and the idea of hard noodles being stuck to the bottom of the pan. Great imagery. I get the feeling from your piece (and also because I know you) that you're uncomfortable being in the spotlight. You mention it with the butcher, and then again when people start arriving, but I would play it up more. It's such a great attribute to write about that I would use it to your advantage.
I loved reading about our friends! I love seeing how you characterized them on the page, particularly Dan, Nick, and Ian. Great job, Katie! Again, I'm sorry for not being able to make it!!!
Katie, this was such a fun piece to read. I didn't even notice the extended length until you mentioned it at the end. I agree with you, though, that the two parts work well together and I think they should both stay. Your narrative was both tense and humorous--I didn't think you came off as whiney at all. Your stress in the kitchen really worked in this piece. I felt stressed for you and was routing for everything to work out as I read. (It was so sad to me when you had to place the sliced tomatoes on the table by themselves instead of in the pasta dish!)
ReplyDeleteI think your story assumes that we know you--it doesn't allow for this piece to be read on a blog by a foodie in Pennsylvania, or anywhere else for that matter. This comes out especially when you talk about Julia's leftover ingredients. Fortunately I think this problem is easily fixed!
I'm not sure how I feel about all of the characters in your story. Obviously they were all necessary, to make your meal perfect, but I felt like I didn't get to know any one of them enough. I wanted more about each of them. I'm not sure if that would work in this piece, but it's something for you to be aware of I suppose. This is such a fun story, Katie. I'm glad that you still enjoyed the experience even if the food didn't turn out as expected. Great work!
ReplyDeleteI definitely didn't read your voice as whine-y like you suggested. Maybe stressed and freaked out, but not whine-y. It was definitely more on the humorous side, and I smiled the entire time (when I wasn't cringing because the hectic situation!).
I also think both parts should stay, however, a bit of reorganization would be nice. I wanted to know about your lack of cooking ability at the very beginning. From your first few paragraphs, I was under the impression that you were either an experienced cook or at least someone who appreciated food. Deciding between fish and saying you'd "go all out" gave that impression. I think I agree with Gabriella, that because we know you from class, we can assume otherwise, but as an outsider, I would have been confused. I also wanted to know why you were cooking a perfect meal if you were so anti-cooking. If I hadn't known this was a class assignment, I would have been confused.
I also wanted to know more about the characters in your story. I got the impression that they were all very good friends of yours, but I wanted to know at least one detail about each of them as individuals. Julia's fancy sea-salt and Dan's nice-voice were fun details, I wanted more of those. And Ian? In love with him? Romantic interest? This could be a fun add-in too! Overall, very funny, honest piece.
ReplyDeleteHahahahaha this is so great! Even though cooking was worrisome and stressful for you, you wrote about it beautifully! Your writing really captures your voice and humor—I was laughing throughout. You did a great job of making characters come alive on the page as well. Even though I was there, I could pictures it clearly all over again through your descriptions.
I think you do need to work on the ending—the rest of the piece is so strong that it deserves a more complete-feeling conclusion. Maybe think about your point in making this piece? I do like that you start and end with friends in mind, but right now it kind of ends abruptly.
Haha I thought the Ben and Jerry’s part was an awesome end to the night—but in the story I don’t know how well it fits. If you’re talking about the importance of the company you keep, I don’t know how much sense it makes to include a brief anecdote in which you use one of your friends at the very end (I know, it was my idea and my using mostly ;). On the other hand, it adds to the humor and goes along with the college-feel of the piece. I don’t know if you should keep it or not. Think about it. I don’t know what is best.
Great start! I loved reading about and helping you with your meal!
Katie~ you do a really great job of putting this meal on and conveying the necessity of the group. I love that we get a sense of who each person sitting around the table is: and that they're there for a reason. Pulling even more out of that "communion" idea could be really effective, too, I think. The same is true of dialogue. I want even more. The things we learn about the speaker in this piece are the perfectionism, the nervousness... and it might be good to see some back-and-forth dialogue that highlights "you" in relation to these friends. I don't know if that makes sense. But-
ReplyDeleteKatie, I think this is hilarious! This piece really speaks to the college experience. Everything from "I'm going to show the caf that vegetables can be good" to going on a Ben and Jerry's run and putting the broccoli in the microwave, is so college (for lack of a better way to phrase that). The humor is an inevitable part of that, so no, I don't think you sound whiney!
ReplyDeleteI like that you talk about your less-than-perfect cooking skills--it gives the reader a sense of your anxiety and it says a lot about you as a narrator without being so explicit. I think it's SO funny that you listened to a YouTube video... was this always the plan? Did you not have a recipe? I was just curious about where this was coming from..and WHY you chose noodles with Alfredo sauce? Some of that is unclear to me.
While I'm sure you wanted this dinner to turn out so great, I think it worked out really well for you in the end. This experience was full of anxiety but you made it work and your friends were so understanding. I loved that. I think that the not-so-perfect turnout ties really well into this college experience theme. Of course there were no leftovers because we're starving college kids.
But for real, I laughed out loud when I read this. Awesome job!
ReplyDeleteYour introduction is conversational and fun. I like the way you introduce your characters. Your commentary about the meat and the butcher was fun as well. I laughed out loud at, “So, due to my fear of talking to people, I opted to make pasta.” This lets us know a bit more about you in a very honest way.
Great description of Muchie Mart. I loved the bit about the alcohol, cigarettes, and the occasional other random. Great and oh so true portrayal of the place.
The paragraph about you not being a cook was wonderful. Very honest, and I can relate! Hello, burnt pizza! Maybe it’s just that damn closet of a kitchen we were forced to use. ;)
As far as your questions as the end, the piece was very long, I’m sure you could condense it. Saying this, I laughed aloud many times reading the piece, you didn’t sound whiney in my mind, although I had a similar malfunctioning experience in the kitchen as well. I felt that you were fun and engaging throughout. Maybe your descriptions of the after-the-meal action could be cut out or shortened. Julia is wonderful for helping with the dishes and your friend is great for fetching the ice cream, but these things might have taken away a bit form the main idea or theme of the piece.
All in all, well done!
I would say the strongest part of this piece is the middle, when you actually cook the meal. There tension can be felt quite clearly. The description of Munchie Mart made me laugh.
ReplyDeleteI think if you're concerned over length and you absolutely feel like cutting down somewhere it should be the beginning, it does flow naturally fro the first part to the second because of the chronological order, but the decision making process of what to serve could be sumarized.
I thought you did a great job conveying the totally stressed and crazed way that kitchens get sometimes. You also did a great job with the humor, I didn't think that you were whiny at all. On the contrary, I thought that you did a really good job showing us every new challenge or unexpected problem that came up and also showing us how you tried to deal with it.
ReplyDeleteThere were a few parts in the description of cooking the meal that seemed like they could use even more tenseness and stress. There is already a lot of it, but if you put some adjective or something that heightens the unexpectedness even more, we'll get an even stronger sense of your crazed state at the end.
I think that the first couple of lines could use a little changing as well. It seems redundant to say "I wanted to go all out. While thinking up ideas for my “perfect meal,” I wanted to go big or go home." Maybe just use the second sentence. Also, expand more on why exactly you want to go all out.
You do a nice job of slowly getting more and more tense, as the cooking progresses. It just feels fairly natural, which is thanks to your good writing style. I wouldn't worry overly about the length of the overall piece, it's not to bad. I'm sure though that there are some bits that can be condensed more. As for the ending, perhaps you could play more off of how you had all these expectations and instead it turned out as something much different, but not in a bad way.